Today's the first day of my summer holiday. My mind has been set on holiday mode for the past week, though, and I've been doing holiday-like things already, like eating breakfast in a cafe last weekend and drinking beer in the nearby park and staying up late and trying to find something to eat after 10 p.m. All with my almost-neighbour miss H, thanks for entertaining me girl!
I don't quite get it yet that I'm not going back to work anymore - I just feel like I have a day off. I'm really in need of some time off work & school though, and I plan to make the most of it; I started it yesterday with going to eat dinner and see The Dark Knight with J from work. It's finally warm - just in time for my holiday - and when I walked home after midnight, it was still over 20 degrees. Just like l like it, dark warm evenings.
These photos are from a few days back; I haven't been sleeping so well lately, and one morning I took a walk just after five a.m. It's a time I'm normally never up, and my part of town was so fresh and new in the morning sun; seeing it made up for the lack of sleep (though I was pretty beat that day, had to work until eight). May have to take another early morning walk one of these days, but hopefully not due to insomnia. One of the things I intend to do on my holiday is sleeping in.
Aikaisissa aamuissa on jotain hurjan kiehtovaa; vaellella autioissa paikoissa jotka on tottunut näkemään ihmisten kansoittamina. Ja valo on erilainen.
Mieletön valo sulla näissä! Olet kylätavoittanut kaupungin kesäaamun olemuksen.
(Ps. Meilaile mulle päin, niin saadaan sulle hoidettua lomakengät :))
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