Sometimes I wonder if I maybe give a false image of Helsinki to those of my readers who have never been there: it is indeed true that my love for the city strongly influences the photos I show you and the things I tell about. I hope if you ever visit Helsinki it won't be a big disappointment to you! That doesn't mean I don't understand you're all smart enough to realise I might do some editing when deciding what I want to show you. :) And I do like Helsinki a lot, really - I see it maybe even more clearly now I don't live there. I think I should apologize Tampere for not showing more of it in my posts - it's not because I don't like it here, and I hope I'll have more to show when I get to know Tampere more.
Anyway, I just read a short article about travelling to Helsinki in this month's Nylon magazine, and I smiled a bit comparing my photos here with the ones they published in the magazine. Maybe I should scan them, so you'll get a different view! The city looks so empty and cold in those photos - though, I have to admit, if you come to Helsinki for a late November weekend like they did, it's most likely going to be empty and cold, because everyone stays inside. Come to think of it, late November is probably the worst time you could pick to visit Finland, or most likely any place in Northern hemisphere...
(For me, reading blogs has certainly opened new views to countries or cities, and my list of places I want to see is growing steadily. One of the cities I never even thought about before - though I've known about it for a long time - but now really want to visit is Gothenburg; after reading great blogs written by certain Gothenburgers, most notably Sandra, I'm assured it's one cool city, where people sit in cafés all day long, and where there's always something interesting to see. You've got a lot to answer for, Sandra! :) Actually, I know a Finn who's lived there since last summer, and she says it really is a cool place.)
...Okay. I think this is about all I was going to say. Now, I've got a train to catch, together with the little buddy in the photos, who's my Easter present to Mum. He hopped into my bag yesterday, and though he acts all sweet and coy, I'm glad to let Mum take care of him - he wanted more than his fair share of my cupcake...
bunny by Heljä Liukko-Sundström for Arabia
give the bunny a little lip worth of it! :)
Happy Easter... we all edit the world, even without a camera. Everything in all the libraries in the world, is an edited version of world sifted through a person.
its a right we have.
Eipä voi kiistää, etteikö Helsingin arkkitehtuuri veisi voiton Mansesta, kaupunkien kokoeronkin takia. Toisaalta täällä on se etu, että ihan keskustassa on tosi kauniita tehdasrakennuksia, esim. Finlaysonin alueelle ei usein vain tule mentyä, mikä on sääli, koska siellä on paljon nähtävää ja monia yksityiskohtia, jotka jää helposti huomaamatta. Vasta Finsku-oppaan hommissa tuli itsekin kiinnitettyä huomiota Tampereen rakennuksiin ylipäänsä.
Mansuetude, no one comments more religiously than you do - and I always love to hear what you've got to say. :) Thanks!
Maija, pidän itsekin kovasti noista tehdasrakennuksista (ja niitä itseasiassa olenkin kuvannut). Muutenkin iltojen muuttuessa valoisemmiksi on varmaan helpompi huomata rakennuksetkin, tosin olen jo pannut merkille iloisena keskustan kauniita rakennuksia. Viimeaikaisen Tampere-kuvailun vähyyden selittänee se, että olen viettänyt usein viikon ainoan vapaapäivän Helsingissä, kun olen jo viikonlopun töiden jälkeen siellä valmiiksi. :)
As someone who reads your blog and visits and loves Helsinki (even at unfriendly times of year) I think you reflect the city very well and remind me of all the things I like about it. Visiting your blog is like a little mini visit!
I even have a photo of the same pink bike from when I was just there, it was parked across the street from a place we went to lunch (that you showed P) and I added it to my collection of pink bikes photographed in funny places. Keep up the good work.
Mary, so nice to her from you! Glad you like my photos. Collection of pink bikes sounds fun!
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