There was white glittering snow and sunshine, and some more snow. It was nice to visit winter! Meant to post during the weekend, but as always at my parents, ended up mostly doing nothing (except chatting with the guests - my uncle and his wife - taking walks in the snow, eating well). Hope everyone had a good Easter weekend!
mum-made bunny buns
Finnish Easter pudding, mämmi, served with cream (or milk/cream mixed) - I'm beginning to like it after refusing to eat it as a child, and then eating only a couple of spoonfuls each year
i've always loved icicles... really love them, caught frozen in the act of falling. :)
your mo,m's bunnies could hop on over here! happy Easter !
Minä en raaskisi syödä noita pupupullia. Ovat liian herttaisia. :)
What beautiful pictures. I really adore those bunnies! Yeah, "mämmi" is really tasty, isn't it. Trough my Finish mum I have also been offered it since childhood. Strangely I can only remember liking it. And it's really a "special" taste.
Wonderful photos...The bunnies, icicles & sparkly snow. Looks like your Easter was special.magical.
Yeah, the weather was fine wasn't it! I love that sparkling snow powder.
Ihania pupupullia! Mäkin leivoin pääsiäisenä pullaa, mutta eipä tullut mieleen olla noin kekseliäs. Ensi pääsiäisenä täytyy kokeilla!
Itsekin olen oppinut syömään mämmiä vasta aikuisena ja oikeastaan vasta ihan viime vuosina. Se on hyvää erityisesti vaniljajäätelön tai vaahdotetun vaniljakastikkeen kanssa. :-)
Thanks for the bunny love, I have to tell Mum you liked her bunnies even without being able to eat them. :)
Maikki, olivat tosiaan somia, mutta tuoreen pulla kiusaus oli liian suuri - kotona leivottua saa niin harvoin.
Midori, olen kuullut tuosta mämmistä vaniljalisukkeen kera, kuulostaa jotenkin kerettiläiseltä :) - mutta ehkä pitäisi kokeilla. Luulen, että osasyy siihen, etten tykännyt mämmistä, oli sen oman maun lisäksi kerman maku; nyt kermamaitoseoksen kanssa mämmi maistuu paremmalta. (Plus että olin yleensäkin ennakkoluuloinen lapsena monien ruokien suhteen....)
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