A good reason to wear my Boden skirt for a first time this year.
I like the black and white photo postcards they have on the wall above the windows.
I also like the view from the windows.
at 2.45 p.m.
Most of the guests ended up staying quite late. We had plans for going to a nearby park but somehow ended up staying in (well, the wind was a bit chilly), except those who began a game of pétanque at 1 a.m. I walked home from Töölö in the wee hours, feeling happy, light, and at home in my favourite city. I picked a few flowers on the way; they felt like a gift from summery Helsinki!
Kauniita ja omannäköisiäsi kuvia kuten aina. Kun puhut Helsingistä, minusta tuntuu vähemmän surulliselta ja enemmän iloiselta, että muutamme sille seudulle.
love the red! thanks for your sweet big welcome back words on my blog and for reading it all from December!!! Blogging is so much fun when "meeting" people like you!
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