Tuesday, January 22

new year's resolutions (or: not a domestic goddess)

I'm not really one to make new year's resolutions, but in the past few weeks I've thought about some things I'd like to try this year. Or at least in the next few months - let's be realistic...

One of my non-resolutions is that I try to take better care of myself. I think this is something we all should remember, actually... It started as a promise to myself to cook more. I actually like cooking and baking, but was a bit shocked to realize I haven't eaten many home cooked meals in the past year. It began with working hours which seemed to leave no room for cooking (well, I also had only 10 minute breaks, not really enough time to heat and enjoy a decent meal), and after I've moved I've just eaten at the university cafeteria most days, and felt too knackered in the evening to cook more than boil water for instant porridge (which I like). The sorry state of my so-called kitchen doesn't encourage me a bit. So, cooking more, and hopefully, eating more healthily will be my goal. I'll have to make some new friends to invite over for dinner, as I'm always more inspired to cook if I don't have to eat alone.

After making the cooking resolution I thought I might as well do something for my general well-being (the healthy food would help here, of course). I've promised myself to tackle my sleeping issues, which go a way back - maybe I'm not meant to spend my life tired all the time, after all - and other, long neglected issues as well. I feel a bit self centered saying this, and unsure of whether said things are important enough for seeking help. But I hope all that will make me less self centered, in a way: a better friend, a better listener, more open to my friends and less deep in my little no-sleep universe (lack of sleep really does make me socially disabled).

I think my cooking skills would be miraculously refound if I had the apron in the photo, designed by a Finnish designer Tiia Vanhatapio for Artek. Though that apron surely has to be worn with some sexy high-heeled peep toes....

photo from fashionFINLAND.com


Anonymous said...

Uusi lukija ilmoittautuu! Suosikkiblogilistasi sai minut tarkastelemaan blogia lähemmin, mukavaa tarinointia.
Onnea uuden vuoden lupauksiin :o)

Joanna Goddard said...

yes, sleeping....i had that problem too for a long time. honestly, counting sheep really helped. it sounds crazy but it's true!

Lylou said...

i love to hear non-resolutions...i have 2 friends that are going to try and wear more dresses. now that one cracks me UP!

Anonymous said...

I came across your beautiful blog looking for vespa images on google..I like your photos!I'm gonna link your blog!ciao!:)

Anonymous said...

Totta. Ruuanlaitto ei aina ole niin monipuolista. Varsinkin kun pitää tehdä vain itselleen. Lopulta tavallinen ja kunnon kotiruoka on ylellistä herkkua....

scaredy-cat said...

Thanks for all your comments, they make me happy (even though I'm late commenting back..).

Maija: tervetuloa!

Joanna: I have to admit I've never tried that - must give it a try! :)

Lylou: I could easily make the dress-resolution too, although I already did it as a summer's resolution last year. :)

lavorarestanca: thank you! what a funny way to find my blog - but looking vespa images is a great pastime!

Ingridviola: kieltämättä, mitä pidempään asun yksin, sitä enemmän alan arvostaa sitä, kun vanhempien luona vieraillessa saa ihan perusruokaa pöytään. ja usein se on vielä jotain lemppariani. ;)