I've been away from a long time and hardly know how to write a blog post any more. I have no special reason for being quiet for so long - it's not that I've lsot interest to this space. I've just had a lot to do (or it felt that way, even though now I'm not sure if I have accomplished that much) and little to say. (I started writing a post several times, but never finished them.) I'd like to say I've been living rather than blogging, but really I've not done much of the former either - instead I've considered giving up my apartment as I seem to spend most of my time at the university anyway. If only they'd let me camp in some empty class room!
The year 2010 didn't start that well. My dear, brave sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in January - and even though I decided to believe in her getting better right from the start and save my tears for a time they might be needed, this has obviously affected all my family. I'm happy to say things are looking up - we're all keeping our fingers crossed...
But this year has brought joys as well. As spring has arrived, new babies are popping up everywhere. One of them is baby L, who arrived just two weeks ago. She is the daughter of A and M and the receiver of those booties in the top photo - which, according to the pattern, are the size 0-3 mo, and are ridiculously big for baby L's tiny feet! It's funny how you forget how small newborns are.
As you can see, L is small and perfect (like all the babies are - but she might be extra perfect), and has long fingers and toes just like her mama. I've known A for most of my life, so somehow seeing her baby feels even more special than usual, and I'm honoured to be L's oddmother (like godmother, you know, but without the God part).
Another little person was born on Saturday, when S & V had a son. Also, the Boy's youngest sister is due any day now - maybe more baby bootees are in order?
I'm happy that you blogged again. I have a sweet heart hat pattern for babies if you're interested. It's by the knitting author Elizabeth Zimmerman.
i wish they had a nice word for "oddmother" in finnish, too! "varjokummi" and such aren't that nice, i think.
Alissa, I definitely am interested! Another baby was born this morning, so I better get my needles working.
Heli, olen siskonpojan kummi kirkon silmissä, ja nyt Lillin kummi "epävirallisesti"; jotenkin ajattelen, että olen molemmille kummi, koska minulle sanaan ei sinänsä sisälly mitään kristillistä (tosin pitäisi varmaan tarkistaa etymologisesta sanakirjasta). Lisäksi arvelen, ettei kummiuteni eroa ainakaan lähtökohtaisesti ihmeemmin... "Varjokummi" on minustakin vähän tylsä, se sanana latistaa kummin arvoa. Olen kuullut myös sanat "haltijakummi" (ei takuulla sovi kaikille :D) ja "kumma".
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