Friday, April 3

hello april!

Now it's so warm it's hard to decide whether to wear my winter coat (too hot) or spring coat (too cold). As a nod to spring, I have daffodils on my table. In the card I sent my friend J girls are jumping rope, another thing very much connected to spring in my mind. Even though I, who lived in a neighbourhood with few children of my age, never mastered the jumping rope. Oh, what a shame!

It's also Friday, so...

seeing papercut prints I'd like to have on my wall

hearing a surprisingly interesting examination of a doctoral thesis

tasting not-so-good dessert at the university café

smelling daffodils

feeling laundry ready to be hung


17 neliötä said...

Olipa kivoja tuon linkin paperiprintit! eikä niin kovin kalliitakaan. Sen tapaisiahan voisi olla mukavaa tehdä itsekin...hmmm...

scaredy-cat said...

Minuakin on kiinnostanut kokeilla tehdä tuon tapaisia paperitöitä, kun olen niitä blogeissa nähnyt. Pitäisi vaan ostaa terävä veitsi. Ja aikaa. :)