Thursday, March 19

Spring is coming; even though I didn't believe it two weeks ago, this week it's undeniable. It's inching closer and closer, however slowly. Stealing space from winter. Snow is melting everywhere. The onions in my pantry have sprouts.

I'm a bit shocked by spring. It took me ages to get used to having a proper winter this year; last year there really was no winter at all. The fact that there's been snow and it hasn't melted away yet seems like a miracle every time I've stopped to think about it in the past few months.

It's not like I don't like spring; far from it. It's just that I seem to be very slow when it comes to getting accustomed to changes, and even changing of the seasons can feel difficult for me to grasp. Winter can be bleak and dreary, but it also gives an excuse to stay home, cocooned from the outside world. In spring there's all that raw, unforgiving (but lovely) light which urges you to get out into the world and do things. I tend to get awfully tired in the springtime.

Maybe it's that first glimpse of spring which made me anxious and gloomy last week (this week I'm too busy to think about how I'm feeling, which sometime is a good thing). I hope I find some extra energy soon, as I should be doing things instead of worrying about not doing them...


maijja said...

Häh, kirjoitinkohan minä nuo kaksi viimeistä kappaletta? Niin ovat tutun kuuloisia.

Mulle maalis-huhtikuun taite on aina vaikeinta aikaa vuodessa. Tänä vuonna aion selättää kevätmasennuksen apinanraivolla, korkeintaan ohi kulkeissani kettumaisesti sille virnistän ja nostan hattua tervehdykseksi. Minuun ET nyt pesi, masennus.

Henriikka said...

I feel exactly the same way about the raw but lovely light! I thought I was the only one who feels really tired when spring comes..

Maybe it's also all that "find a summer job and finish all your courses" stress which makes spring a little bit harsh.

scaredy-cat said...

Maijjja ja Henriikka, meistä saisi jo vertaistukiryhmän aikaiseksi... En ole milloinkaan niin melankolinen kuin keväällä (vaikka en ehkä yleisesti ottaenkaan ole mikään päivänpaiste :D ).