...breakfast in a café in a good company (thanks miss H!)
...taking a walk in the city
...watching unknown newlyweds come out of a church
(they had the coolest bus ever for their guests)
...buying new shoes
...spending some more time drinking coffee
...listening to good music (Kings of Convenience, yesterday at Flow festival, today in my stereo)
(Plus things I didn't do but might have done: reading a good book; watching a good film; making and eating a nice dinner; knitting.)
I actually like rainy days; when they're days I can make my own schedule, the rainy weather can be quite soothing. What do you like to do when it rains?
I love all of the above! I agree...rain can be so comforting. I also love watching 80s movies.
Olipa kivat sadepäivän puuhat!
Minusta on mukavaa maata peiton alla sängyssä ja kuunnella sateen ropinaa :)
Yep I agree too. Love the rain and love love love any excuse to sit inside with a coffee and some good friends. Oh and LOVE the shoes too!
Ei voi olla totta! Mäkin kävin aamiaisella samassa kahvilassa eilen... :) Pienet on piirit, melkein törmättiin taas - mutta mikäs siinä, olisi ollut kiva! (Meillä taitaa muutenkin olla aika samanlaiset intressit, kaikki sadepäivän puuhasi näyttivät oikein mukavilta...)
Minäkin tykkään sateesta, kun silloin on jotenkin oikeutettua olla vaan. Saa unohtaa tehokkuuden. Mukavat touhut sulla! Ja tosiaan komia bussi.
Hyvä kahvilavalinta (viitaten toiseksi alimpaan kuvaan)!
sounds like the perfect rainy day...especially the shoes! Goodness, they really are perfect!
Wouldn't it be nice to meet all of you on the next rainy day - I think rainy days are perfect because they give you an excuse to do something you hadn't planned and have a little time for yourself (at least if you're lucky enough to have the day off).
And thanks for the shoe love; they were 50% off, and I was thinking I need red shoes.
Maikki, se on yksi suosikkejani, tosin nyt kun en pyöri yliopistolla eikä kaverit asu Krunikassa tulee käytyä siellä liian harvoin.
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