Tuesday, May 12

I disappeared to
study, visit Helsinki, practise a final speech for a class, spend hours finding the best budget hotel in London, visit the Boy's parents,
write assignments, have three deadlines on one day, try to plan summer, read Hamlet (for an exam), smell the spring, study more, visit Helsinki again, have my allergies kick in, have a proper Sunday roast at sister's, knit a red hat and come back to Tampere to study a little bit more. Phew.

I have no more lectures, so things are a lot easier now, though I do feel a bit disoriented right now. Might be because I feel I'm in an in between -stage at the moment, or might be just the allergies. I should plan my summer studies, but I'd much rather plan the trip to London.... (any tips, especially the kind of tips you can't find in a tourist guide, are welcome).

Random photos mostly from the botanical garden in Helsinki. It bugs me that I have not one good photo of that Forsythia, and the next time I'll be in Helsinki the flowers will be gone. Well, next year, then...


Nuttula said...

Voi, onnellinen pääset lomalle Lontooseen!! :) Minäkin haluaisin. Koska lähdet? Mitä olet suunnitellut tekeväsi siellä? Tosin viimeksi kun kävin siellä, en tehnyt itse yhtään suunnitelmaa, halusin vain kävellä kirjakaupoissa ja katsella ja nauttia :)

Tykkään kovasti tästä blogistasi. Se on jotenkin samanhenkinen kuin Abbyn blogi, joka on ollut aina suosikkejani.

Anonymous said...

It's good to see you back, and with refreshing spring photos. School should be outlawed as inhumane punishment! How can any one person do all that? I did it quite awhile ago, and my kids are doing it now, and I feel for them! I want to tell them to stop and take it easy! Sometimes I do tell them that, but they don't listen! haha

A-K said...

Moi! Oli hauska tavata pipertelemässä =)

aino said...

Eiköhän Lontoota odotellessa kaikki muu suju lopulta helposti, toivon niin.
En ole koskaan käynyt kasvitieteellisessä puutarhassa (!?), joten taidanpa suunnata sinne lähipäivinä.

Unknown said...

Welcome back! London: Don't miss High Gate Cemetery. A little out of the way but well worth the trip. You must reserve a tour to walk around. Absolutely beautiful.

scaredy-cat said...

Aino, toivottavasti olet päässyt puutarhaan! Se on yksi suosikkipaikoistani.

Amy, thanks for the tip!